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Worm Casts

worm casts in lawnsWorm Casts are unsightly mounds of soil that are “cast” on to the surface of your garden by worms.

In one sense, a lawn full of worms means that it is a nicely aerated lawn that should thrive assuming all other conditions are right.

Unfortunately however they are not the most pleasant of things to look at, and so thankfully, here at LawnRight we have just the answer in the form of an application that stops the worms from coming to the surface.

Wormcasts tend to appear over late autumn, and right through to early spring.

Worms eat the soil under your lawn, and as it passes through their body and excreted out it leaves a slimy texture which is what is left on the surface of the soil.

The slimy mound also does other damage.  It encourages weed growth  and also blunts your mower blade, so prevention is certainly better than the cure.

Give us a call or use the contact form if you have any questions.  We will be only too pleased to help with a pesticide application that creates a barrier that the worms are not too keen to pass through as it can irritate them.


  1. Hi there. I have been thinking I have an animal pooing in my garden and have spent hours clearing this up. I think the problem might be wormcasts though. Do you have any advice? I think I might have been making the problem worse by spreading it when wet and using a water spray deterrent so the grass is really wet now.
    Also concerned about getting the casts in my mower. My lovely new turf looks awful. Thank you, Elaine Anderson.

    1. LawnRight Admin

      Hi Elaine best thing is to wait till they’re dry and then they can be brushed off easily. Unfortunately yes they can leave a mess when mower over stood on etc. You can use an afro style comb to pick them up off the lawn. There aren’t many options at the moment to prevent them other than certain soil conditioners, but from experience I’ve not seen them work too well yet

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