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MossWhy is it that moss is such a huge burden?

Every single year many lawns are subjected to the onset of moss.  It takes over in late autumn, forcing the grass plant to struggle.

Here at LawnRight we understand what it is that causes moss and we have a number of remedies that can tackle moss.

More importantly, “moss cause” is what we tackle.  Part of the “Bryophyta” division, it thrives in damp and shady areas.  If there is little airflow moving over your lawn then this can also make the situation harder to control.

The good news is that there are a number of things which can be done. 

Reduce the conditions where damp and shade exists.

Overhanging trees, dark shady corners, high fences, hard clay like lawns, small amounts of topsoil (with clay like soil underneath) all aid moss growth.

Throughout the year, each time you cut the grass, your lawn will begin to develop a layer of thatch.  This is a build up of things such as grass clippings just above the surface of the soil.  Over time this leads to a spongy layer that holds on to water, and moss thrives in this environment.

We like to scarify and aerate lawns to reduce thatch and compaction in a lawn so that any moisture present can drain away more readily.  If your lawn is on a clay base you may wish to brush in some lawn sand at this stage (not too much), or a good quality compost/manure.  Over time this will slowly change the structure of the soil below, helping with drainage.

Here at LawnRight we can certainly help and start restoring things – just give us a call.


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